Tuesday, December 10, 2024


A mother and daughter who once loved to read together and discuss the books they had read are now estranged for no apparent reason. When the daughter, who now lives in Australia, learns her mother has fallen and needs help, Ella grudgingly flies to England to assist her mom. Secrets and old wounds are gradually revealed. Ella increasingly discovers her mom’s life before and after Ella left in anger 20 years ago was very different from the way she remembers it. Storey reveals both mother and daughter in bits and pieces as this heart-warming tale unfolds. Readers who look for books that slowly reveal the characters and what makes them who they are will revel in this tale of love, heartbreak, friendship, the value of books and the ties that bind a mother to her children. Lots here for book groups to discuss. A good choice for mother/daughter book group. 4 stars for a slow start.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

EXODUS by Leon Uris

I reread this book because I was interested in the Jewish defense of the modern nation of Israel. EXODUS, while definitely a fictionalized account, does give the Jewish perspective of the search for a homeland by those who had suffered pogroms and discrimination for centuries. The novel introduces a variety of characters and then gives each backstory. This makes the book very lengthy, but also provides the reasons each character is part of the search for a new Israel. At times heartbreaking, but at other times full of the joy of life, EXODUS covers the time period from the late 1800s to the founding of Eretz Israel and the ensuing war for independence when Britain reneges on their promises to both the Israelis and the Palestinians. 5 stars for telling a story that needs to be told and understood