Thursday, October 3, 2024

WE SOLVE MURDERS by Richard Osman

Osman has written another intelligent murder mystery peopled with fully drawn characters, an intricate plot, and a sense of humor. He does spend a fair amount of time establishing his characters, but the intelligence of the resulting plot and writing makes the time spent worthwhile. This time his series is peopled by a private detective (Amy Wheeler) protecting a world famous author (Rosie) who happens to be a scheming curmudgeon, and Amy’s father-in-law, Steve, a blissfully retired police detective. When bodies (several) and money (lots of money) show up, the question becomes who is Francois Loubert and why does he want Amy dead? Hijinks abound along with murder, mysterious characters, round the world plane rides, and danger in plenty as our intrepid PI and her erstwhile protectee, now her companion is sleuthing, and her reluctant father-in-law attempt to answer those questions and, more importantly, stay alive. After Osman’s successful run with the Thursday Murder Club books, he entertains us with a new set of engaging characters and engrossing story lines. I’m looking forward to further adventures with Amy, Rosie and Steve. This series is lots of fun and lots of intrigue. Enjoy! 5 stars and well worth your time.

Monday, September 16, 2024


Jance may have written a police procedural, but what I read was a family story. Beau’s family is in upheaval when his teenaged grandson shows up on his doorstep announcing he would like to live with Beau and Mel. Darius’s family is devastated by his death, assuming he has succumbed to illegal drugs. Then the deaths and shattered families start mounting. Jance has written a lively and entertaining murder mystery with some humor along with the excitement of a chase to catch a serial murderer before they can strike again. As always, Jance’s characters are well defined and complex. Her plot is multi-faceted and leads to a brilliant conclusion. Altogether a mystery well worth your time with a complex and satisfyingly intricate plot. 5 stars

Friday, September 13, 2024

FALLING by T J Newman

After you suspend logic, this thriller delivers thrills a minute and then some. The premise is simple. The bad guys have kidnapped a pilot’s family and want hm to crash his plane or they will kill his family. What follows is a relentless thrill ride as we travel along with the crew and innocent passengers. How can our brave pilot save both his family AND his plane. And, of course, why do the bad guys want him to crash the plane anyway. The crew and bad guys are pretty standard characters. Jo, the head flight attendant, is actually a more well drawn character than the pilot. It is obvious that the writer is extremely familiar with planes, the security systems on board them, and the flight attendants whose real job is to keep the passengers safe not serve them coffee. You WILL get drawn into the intricacies of the plot. You WILL stay up late reading to discover how this turns out. A good debut for a first-time author (and former flight attendant) who puts her knowledge of flight systems to good use. 4 stars for a thrilling ride.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

GIRL FALLING by Hayley Scrivenor

Insidious and evil. Dark and depressing. Murder or accident? And yet I HAD to keep reading. The writing was beautifully done, keeping ones desire to know and understand at a high pitch. Three women, one evil, one good, and one …also evil?...also good?….which is it? Who is doing the manipulating and who is being manipulated? Interspersing the darkness are lovely descriptions of the landscape of Australia. The mechanics of rope climbing become a part of the story. The characters and situations are believable. There were many times I was ready to put this book down and not pick it up again. But the depth of the writing kept me reading. It is difficult to recommend the book because there is so much of the book that is triggering. I could only recommend it to a limited number of people and I would have to know them and their reading habits well to offer this book to them. There is little light or joyous to be gotten from reading FALLING GIRL. I would not use this book in a book group because of too many triggers and no real resolution. 4 stars for the writing, 2 stars for the darkness of the story

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

BAD ANIMALS by Sarah Braunstein

I have given BAD ANIMALS a couple days to "sit with me" before writing this review. I'm still not sure how I feel about the book. It was well written, the story was mostly engaging; but I didn't like any of the main characters. I can't decide if Maeve was just a total innocent caught up in circumstances beyond her control or she was a jaded and cynical psychopath who attempted to destroy a child. Or maybe the child was the psychopath who attempted to destroy the adult Maeve. I am certain Harrison was a cynical "user" of people for his own enjoyment and financial gain. Poor Jack was caught in the middle of Harrison and Maeve's shenanigan's and the ultimate loser. The other librarians were simply there for the author's ability to tell the story. So, would I recommend this book to another reader? Maybe? Maybe not? Would I have finished the book if I wasn't writing a review? NO, I would have given it maybe 100 pages instead of my usual 50 before dropping it, but I wouldn't have finished it. But maybe would I have, if only to find out what ultimately happened to Libby, the only character I cared about. SO…. 4 stars for writing . 2 stars for story. 3 stars for the total book.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

THE LAST DEVIL TO DIE by Richard Osman

How can a book about 4 murders be a tender love story? And yet, THE LAST DEVIL TO DIE is a tender love story. Our four senior sleuths, Elizabeth, Joyce, Ron and Ibrahim, are caught up in a drug war, an art forgery, a “love for money” fraud and the murder of one of Stephen’s friends along with three other murders. Osman, who has written three other novels starring the four members of the Thursday Murder Club is back again with a delightful, charming and intriguing mystery. His characters are true to form and fine companions for a chill autumn evening or two with a hot cup of tea. Who will be the “last devil to die” and, therefore, the murderer will keep you guessing to the last pages. The main characters are clearly the focus, but Osman makes even minor characters, like the fox, a fully developed personality. A delightful story well told. Buy it! 5 of 5 stars

Thursday, November 16, 2023


“Girls are nothing more than wives for other people’s sons.” And so begins the story of Hai, her mother and her sisters. When the communist revolution comes to their area, the girls and their mom are left behind by their wealthy landowning family with only a vague promise to return for them. Enemies of the communists because of the family’s wealth and importance, the girls and their mother are evicted with no money or food as enemies of the people. Hai, the eldest daughter not yet a teen, narrates this compelling, barely fictionalized account of the journey by foot through China toward Taiwan. The girls come alive on the pages as their harrowing tale is told. Chung relates the story of her grandmother with deftness and empathy. Although filled with danger, poverty, and continuing disasters, the story offers hope, resilience, love and the power of faith and kindness. Readers will learn much about the Communist takeover of China and the ravages war brings to a peasant population. Book groups will have many topics for discussion from foot binding to the importance of education. I highly recommend this book 5 of 5 stars