Tuesday, March 9, 2021


WHERE THE DESERT MEETS THE SEA by Werner Sonne In the aftermath of WWII the Jews who remain attempt to establish a homeland for themselves. Judith, a Jewish survivor of the death camps, and Hana, a Muslim nurse at Hadassah Hospital, are bonded in friendship when a rare blood type infusion from Hanna gives life to a dying Judith. The novel follows Hana and Judith as Eratz Israel becomes the Nation of Israel. Hadassah Hospital, founded by Jews but serving both Jews and Arabs, becomes a focal point. Peace is lost when the UN drops the British Mandate. Jews and Arabs battle over the land of Palestine resulting in bloodshed on both sides. The novel reveals the complexity of finding a solution. Sonne avoids siding with either faction as his well-drawn and complex characters struggle to find honor and security in this moving tale of love, fear, sacrifice, betrayal, redemption, death, honor and brutality lurches to its conclusion. 5 of 5 stars

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