Friday, October 4, 2019

CARNEGIE"S MAID by Marie Benedict

CARNEGIE”S MAID  by Marie Benedict
Andrew Carnegie made an about face at some point in his life from a wealth and power obsessed businessman to one of the world’s biggest philanthropists. This book attempts to answer why and how that happened.  Although this is a light romance book, it also sheds light on one of the most important businessmen in this country’s early industrial age. 
The glittering world of the VERY wealthy Carnegie’s is contrasted with the plight of the downtrodden working man slaving at hard labor for minimal wages as well as the equally hard working and often ignored servants who made the Cargenie’s life style possible.
This is a quick read that offers food for thought in how people with power exert that power. Book groups can have a discussion that centers on the romance of upstairs/downstairs as well as on the power of wealth and social standing.
4 of 5 stars

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