GLOW by Megan E
GLOW tells the heartbreaking story of the young women who
went to work for the companies that used radium to make glow in dark objects,
mostly watch faces for the soldiers of WWI.
My grandmother worked briefly for The Radium Dial company in
Ottawa Illinois. Fortunately she remained healthy although she went every year
of life (she died at 96) to The Argonne National Laboratory for extensive
testing. GLOW is unflinching in relating
the horrific illnesses that plagued the radium workers. Although GLOW is aimed
at young adult audience, adult readers will also react favorably to this tale.
Bryant uses the true stories of actual workers to underscore
her fictionalized work. Sisters Lisa and Lydia help support their family by the
“easy work and good pay” offered by the companies. This mostly untold story is also related in
Very sensitive readers may be upset by the descriptions (accurate)
of the results of “tipping” to paint tiny numerals on watch faces with the
radium based paints.
5 of 5 stars
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